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The Offices Brian Baumgartner Gets Married

You guys do remember Brian Baumgartner  from The Office, right?  Well, guess what? That was called acting, and in real life, he has done quite well for himself. He married his girlfriend in an outdoor ceremony this weekend, and nary a creepy line was said by him.

Anyway, Brian Baumgartner married Celeste Ackelson this weekend in the backyard of the actor’s home. Many of Brian’s former co-stars were there to cheer him and his love along. I wonder if there was anyone there spouting statistics about marriage? There is always one of those at every wedding. “Hey, crazy to think that only one in three of these marriage things actually work out, huh?” I mean, everyone at the wedding is thinking it, but you don’t say it out loud. Don’t be THAT guy.

So a proper congratulations go out to Brian and Celeste. May you beat all odds and statistics and have a long life together of telling each other what the other one did wrong. Ah, love. Isn’t it grand?

(Photo by Michael Buckner/Getty Images for Moet and Chandon)
